Check Routes
#!/bin/bash #VAR_DEBUG="yes"; VAR_NUMOFPINGS="5"; VAR_MWIPS=""; VAR_DB_HOSTS="dbhost1 dbhost2"; VAR_MW_HOSTS="mwhost1 mwhost2"; VAR_CMAN_HOSTS="cmanhost1 cmanhost2"; VAR_BATCH_HOSTS="batchhost1 batchhost2 batchhost3 batch4host"; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Funktion: f_fping_host() # Beschreibung: pingt Hosts und liefert Informationen über deren Erreichbarkeit # Return code: 0 - if all the hosts are reachable # 1 - if some hosts were unreachable # 2 - if any IP addresses were not found # 3 - for invalid command line arguments # 4 - for a system call failure # # Parameter: 1: remote hostname to connect to via ssh # 2: remote hostname to ping #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ f_fping_host() { # Variablen local L_HOSTNAME="$1"; # Der Variable L_HOSTNAME wird der Wert des ersten Arguments zugewiesen local L_REMOTEHOSTS="$2"; # Der Variable L_REMOTEHOSTS wird der Wert des ersten Arguments zugewiesen local L_REPLY=""; # Die Variable L_REPLY wird initialisiert# local L_NUMOFPING="$VAR_NUMOFPINGS"; local L_RCONLY=""; # Die Ausgabe von ssh wird unterdrückt. Hostkey- und Host-IP-Checking werden deaktiviert. # Auf dem Remote-System wird der Befehl "fping" ausgeführt. L_REPLY=$( ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o CheckHostIP=no $L_HOSTNAME "sudo /usr/sbin/fping -c $L_NUMOFPING -u $L_REMOTEHOSTS"; echo $?); L_RCONLY="$( echo -e "$L_REPLY" | tail -n 1 )"; case "$L_RCONLY" in 0) echo "$(tput setab 2)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) $(tput sgr0)"; echo "$(tput setab 2)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) OK $(tput sgr0)"; echo "$(tput setab 2)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) $(tput sgr0)"; ;; 1) # sudo problem und aehnliches # if some hosts were unreachable echo "$(tput setab 1)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) $(tput sgr0)"; echo "$(tput setab 1)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) some hosts were unreachable $(tput sgr0)"; echo "$(tput setab 1)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) $(tput sgr0)"; ;; 2) # if any IP addresses were not found echo "$(tput setab 1)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) $(tput sgr0)"; echo "$(tput setab 1)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) IP addresses were not found $(tput sgr0)"; echo "$(tput setab 1)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) $(tput sgr0)"; ;; 3) # for invalid command line arguments echo "$(tput setab 1)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) $(tput sgr0)"; echo "$(tput setab 1)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) invalid command line arguments $(tput sgr0)"; echo "$(tput setab 1)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) $(tput sgr0)"; ;; 4) # for a system call failure echo "$(tput setab 1)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) $(tput sgr0)"; echo "$(tput setab 1)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) system call failure $(tput sgr0)"; echo "$(tput setab 1)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) $(tput sgr0)"; ;; 255) # SSH Fehler echo "$(tput setab 1)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) $(tput sgr0)"; echo "$(tput setab 1)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) SSH error $(tput sgr0)"; echo "$(tput setab 1)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) $(tput sgr0)"; ;; *) # Something else went wrong echo "$(tput setab 1)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) $(tput sgr0)"; echo "$(tput setab 1)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) Something else went wrong $(tput sgr0)"; echo "$(tput setab 1)$(tput setaf 7)$(tput bold) $(tput sgr0)"; echo "$L_REPLY"; ;; esac } echo "=============================================================================================================="; echo "Ermitteln der IPs der DB-Interfaces auf den Middlewaresystemen"; echo "=============================================================================================================="; for VAR_CNTR1 in $VAR_MW_HOSTS; do echo "Ermittle DB-LAN-IP von ${VAR_CNTR1}"; VAR_REPLY1=$(ssh $VAR_CNTR1 "ip a"); VAR_MW_IPS+=$( grep -oh "inet 10\.10[2-5]\.0\.[0-9]\{1,3\}" <<< $VAR_REPLY1 ); VAR_MW_IPS+=" "; done; VAR_MW_IPS=$(echo "$VAR_MW_IPS"|tr " " "\n"|sort|uniq|tr "\n" " "); VAR_MW_IPS=$(printf '%s\n' "${VAR_MW_IPS//inet/}"); if [ "$VAR_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then echo $VAR_MW_IPS; fi echo "=============================================================================================================="; echo "Ermitteln der IPs der DB-Interfaces auf den DB-Hosts"; echo "=============================================================================================================="; for VAR_CNTR2 in $VAR_DB_HOSTS; do echo "Ermittle DB-LAN-IP von ${VAR_CNTR2}"; VAR_REPLY2=$(ssh $VAR_CNTR2 "ip a"); VAR_DB_IPS+=$( grep -oh "inet 192\.168\.1[0-5]\.[0-9]\{1,3\}" <<< $VAR_REPLY2 ); VAR_DB_IPS+=" "; done; VAR_DB_IPS=$(echo "$VAR_DB_IPS"|tr " " "\n"|sort|uniq|tr "\n" " "); VAR_DB_IPS=$(printf '%s\n' "${VAR_DB_IPS//inet/}"); if [ "$VAR_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then echo $VAR_DB_IPS; fi echo "=============================================================================================================="; echo "Ermitteln der IPs der DB-Interfaces auf den BATCH-Hosts"; echo "=============================================================================================================="; for VAR_CNTR3 in $VAR_BATCH_HOSTS; do echo "Ermittle DB-LAN-IP von ${VAR_CNTR3}"; VAR_REPLY3=$(ssh $VAR_CNTR3 "ip a"); VAR_BATCH_IPS+=$( grep -oh "inet 192\.168\.5[0-6]\.[0-9]\{1,3\}" <<< $VAR_REPLY3 ); VAR_BATCH_IPS+=" "; done; VAR_BATCH_IPS=$(echo "$VAR_BATCH_IPS"|tr " " "\n"|sort|uniq|tr "\n" " "); VAR_BATCH_IPS=$(printf '%s\n' "${VAR_BATCH_IPS//inet/}"); if [ "$VAR_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then echo $VAR_BATCH_IPS; fi echo "=============================================================================================================="; echo "Ermitteln der IP des Public-Interfaces auf dem CMAN-Hosts"; echo "=============================================================================================================="; for VAR_CNTR4 in $VAR_CMAN_HOSTS; do echo "Ermittle Public-LAN-IP von ${VAR_CNTR4}"; VAR_REPLY4=$(dig +noall +short +answer ${VAR_CNTR4}); VAR_CMAN_IPS+=$( grep -oh "[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}" <<< $VAR_REPLY4 ); VAR_CMAN_IPS+=" "; done; VAR_CMAN_IPS=$(echo "$VAR_CMAN_IPS"|tr " " "\n"|sort|uniq|tr "\n" " "); if [ "$VAR_DEBUG" == "yes" ]; then echo $VAR_CMAN_IPS; fi echo "=============================================================================================================="; echo "PING-Test DB-Server zu CMAN-Hosts"; echo "=============================================================================================================="; for DB_POINTER in $VAR_DB_HOSTS do echo -e "${DB_POINTER}:"; echo "----------------"; f_fping_host "$DB_POINTER" "$VAR_CMAN_IPS"; echo ""; done echo "=============================================================================================================="; echo "PING-Test DB-Server zu BATCH-Hosts"; echo "=============================================================================================================="; for DB_POINTER in $VAR_DB_HOSTS do echo -e "${DB_POINTER}:"; echo "----------------"; f_fping_host "$DB_POINTER" "$VAR_BATCH_IPS"; echo ""; done echo "=============================================================================================================="; echo "PING-Test DB-Server zu MIDDLEWARE-Hosts"; echo "=============================================================================================================="; for DB_POINTER in $VAR_DB_HOSTS do echo -e "${DB_POINTER}:"; echo "----------------"; f_fping_host "$DB_POINTER" "$VAR_MW_IPS"; echo ""; done
pages/scripts/check-routes.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/10 14:44 by Heiko Mischer