{{tag>tools icons mouseclick creativecommons graphics svg}}
====== nanoscopic - Mouse Click Icons ======
To be able to visualize mouse clicks in various documentation, I've needed some icons. To not get bothered by copyright stuff, I've created my own simple icon set.
{{ :tools:graphics:nanoscopic-mouse-click-icons.png?nolink&600 |}}
===== License =====
[[tools:graphics:nanoscopic_-_mouse_click_icons|nanoscopic - Mouse Click Icons]] by [[https://www.nanoscopic.de/|Heiko Mischer]] are licensed under [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/?ref=chooser-v1|Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International]].
nanoscopic - Mouse Click Icons by Heiko Mischer licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
===== Get nanoscopic - Mouse Click Icons =====
You can find the repository and download the source SVG at Codeberg:
[[{:tools:graphics:buttons:button-50x50-codeberg-logo.png| width: 400px}https://codeberg.org/rokkitlawnchair/nanoscopic-mouse-click-icons| nanoscopic - Mouse Click Icons at Codeberg]]
===== Icons Preview =====
^ icons (22 x 25 px) ^ wiki syntax ^
| {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-none.png|}} | {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-none.png?nolink|no mouse button pressed}} |
| {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-l.png|}} | {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-l.png?nolink|left mouse button pressed}} |
| {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-m.png|}} | {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-m.png?nolink|mouse wheel or middle mouse button pressed}} |
| {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-r.png|}} | {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-r.png?nolink|right mouse button pressed}} |
| {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-lm.png|}} | {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-lm.png?nolink|left and middle mouse buttons pressed}} |
| {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-mr.png|}} | {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-mr.png?nolink|middle and right mouse buttons pressed}} |
| {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-lr.png|}} | {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-lr.png?nolink|left and right mouse buttons pressed}} |
| {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-lmr.png|}} | {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-lmr.png?nolink|left, middle and right mouse buttons pressed}} |
===== HowTo (and sample usage) =====
Just open the source file with [[https://inkscape.org/|inkscape]] and then:
* left click {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-l.png?nolink|left mouse button pressed}} one of the icons
* in the file menu of inkscape left click {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-l.png?nolink|left mouse button pressed}} '**File**'
* now left click {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-l.png?nolink|left mouse button pressed}} '**Export PNG Image**' to open the //Export PNG Pane//
* choose export settings
* left click {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-l.png?nolink|left mouse button pressed}} '**Export**'
If you want to change the colors:
* Each icon is a group of objects, which has a transparent rectangle as background.
* To ungroup simply select an icon by left clicking {{:tools:graphics:mc22x25-l.png?nolink|left mouse button pressed}} it and then press CTRL+SHIFT+g
* Before exporting to PNG, do not forget to regroup all objects resembling an icon (including the transparent backround rectangle) by selecting them and pressing CTRL+g.