{{tag>cheatsheet 3ware twcli raid controller cli raidcontroller}}
====== 3Ware tw_cli Cheat Sheet ======
===== Sources =====
* https://www.sysadminslife.com/linux/howto-3ware-raid-status-anzeigen-und-festplatte-tauschen-mit-tw_cli/
* https://www.thomas-krenn.com/de/wiki/3Ware_CLI_Einf%C3%BChrung
* https://www.thomas-krenn.com/de/wiki/RAID_Status_abfragen#3ware
* [[https://wiki.nanoscopic.de/html/tw_cli.html|tw_cli man page]] (local copy)
* https://getmoven.com/index.php/knowledgebase/43/tw_cli-3ware-Command-Line-Utility.html
===== where it actually is =====
===== HowTo =====
create RAID5 with disks 0-4
/c0 add type=raid5 disk=0-4
create RAID5 with disks 0-4, with name "data", "autoverify" set to "on", "Storesafe" set to "performance"
/c0 add type=raid5 disk=0-4 name=Data autoverify storsave=perform
add a hot spare to a controller (must have at least the same capacity as the biggest disk connected to the controller)
/cx add type=spare disk=x
show basic info about the controller, connected disks and BBU
/c0 show
display information about a specific unit
/c0/u0 show
display alarm messages
/c0 show alarms
prints diagnostic information and writes it to a file
tw_cli /c0 show diag > diag.txt
displays list of available commands
/c0 help
/c0/u0 help